[MDD Meetings] International services at MDD

[MDD Meetings] International services at MDD
International doctoral students, if you have any residence formalities to complete:
- information on the application file (first application or renewal) for a residence permit Student or Researcher or Researcher's Spouse
- verification of your file and transmission to the Prefecture of Meurthe-et-Moselle (only if the file is complete)
the Euraxess Nancy Office welcomes you to My Doc Door (Maison du Doctorat) on Thursday 21 November from 14h to 16h30
Make an appointment with Maud Clarus (maud.clarus@univ-lorraine.fr) and specify if you have a Host Agreement.
Download the list of documents to be provided according to your situation:
You have a visa or residence permit Student
You have a visa or residence permit Talent Passport Researcher
You have a visa or residence permit Talent Passport Researcher Family Researcher
Prepare your file and bring it to the appointment you will be scheduled.