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The doctoral system
The doctoral system
The University of Lorraine’s doctoral studies system is composed of the Collège Lorrain des Ecoles Doctorales (CLED – Lorraine College Board for Doctoral Studies), which brings together representatives of the Doctoral Schools, along with the Division of Doctoral Studies (Research Department) which covers all operational tasks and projects common to Doctoral Schools.
- Doctoral schools
The Université de Lorraine has eight Doctoral Schools, covering all research fields.
The Order of 25 May 2016 is the reference text governing Doctoral Schools’ role and missions.
“Under the responsibility of approved establishments, Doctoral Schools and Doctoral Colleges organise training of PhD students and prepare them for their professional activity at the end of their doctoral training [...]” (Article 2)
Article 3 stipulates what doctoral schools have to do in the framework of their action programme.
• They implement a PhD admissions policy and help find funding;
• They organise scientific exchanges between PhD students and the scientific community; offer PhD students training activities to promote interdisciplinarity and acquisition of an extensive scientific culture, including knowledge of the international research environment;
• They ensure that each PhD student receives training in research ethics and scientific integrity;
• They pursue a training quality policy by setting up Individual Monitoring Committees and provide PhD students’ Supervisors with training or specific support;
• They define and implement schemes to support continuation of professional pathways following obtainment of the doctorate;
• They contribute to European and international openness, as part of cooperation actions organised with higher education institutions and foreign research centres;
• They deliver opinions on requests to attach research units and teams - The CLED
The Collège Lorrain des Ecoles Doctorales (CLED – Lorraine College Board for Doctoral Studies) is a coordination structure governed by the University of Lorraine’s internal regulations.
It brings together the Doctoral Schools with the triple mission of:
• proposing a university policy on doctoral training to the Scientific Council;
• increasing the PhD’s visibility, attractiveness and crosscutting positioning;
• improving the organisation and management of doctoral training.
Under the chairmanship of Clotilde Boulanger, Vice-President for Doctoral Strategy, the CLED Board consists of Doctoral School Directors, PhD students (one per School Board and one for the Scientific Committee) and two representatives of the Research and Promotion Department. The CLED Board’s competences include: distribution of resources, communication on and promotion of PhDs, the general policy of crosscutting training available to PhD students, representation of the doctoral system internally and externally. - The Doctoral Studies Division
The Doctoral Studies Division (Sous-Direction des Etudes Doctorales) covers all operational tasks and projects shared by Doctoral Schools. It is attached to the Research and Innovation Department, which is also responsible for research administration, promotion and innovation as well as support to management of research resources.