Contact :
Etienne Haouy / Formations doctorants Science & You
Université de Lorraine / Direction de la Vie Universitaire et de la Culture
91 avenue de la Libération
54000 Nancy - FRANCE
06 42 38 83 72
The University of Lorraine's mission is to participate in a better support of doctoral students in their knowledge and practice of scientific mediation. The aim of mediation training is to open their minds to the contributions between science and society, their challenges and their audiences.
PhD students from all disciplines will be welcomed during two days before the conference to be trained in different practices of mediation: comic books, theater, song... so many ways to popularize the exact, human and social sciences that require a professional approach of quality.
The Science & You training takes the form of a mediation marathon, offering 15 hours of workshops supervised by creative artists and mediators. 80 French-speaking doctoral students are expected: they will be selected following a call for applications launched in January 2021.
The Science & You 2021 project team is looking for professionals in the creative field to co-facilitate, with scientific mediators, mediation training workshops for PhD students.
If you are a creative professional, artist, craftsman ... in :
And if you are interested in the project to train French-speaking doctoral students to popularize research so that it is understandable to a non-initiated public, submit your project before September 24th!
Each selected professional will have to coordinate with a mediator in scientific culture and a researcher from the University of Lorraine, both chosen by the organization, to prepare a 15-hour training course aimed at accompanying a group of doctoral students in the popularization of a research subject, in the chosen artistic practice.
Each project will have to tell a story, allowing an uninitiated public to understand the research in its broad outlines. If necessary, the less figurative practices, leaving a large part to the imagination and intuition, may be accompanied by a short text explaining their approach.
This training should be offered to doctoral students at the University of Lorraine via ADUM during the winter of 2021.
Contact :
Etienne Haouy / Formations doctorants Science & You
Université de Lorraine / Direction de la Vie Universitaire et de la Culture
91 avenue de la Libération
54000 Nancy - FRANCE
06 42 38 83 72