
SIMPPé - Recrutement

Applying for a thesis

The subjects offered by the research units of SIMPPÉ Doctoral School’s research units fall within the following scientific sectors:
- sector 4: Chemistry
- sector 8: Engineering Sciences
- secteur 10 : Agronomical and Forestry sciences, Biology and Ecology, Biotechnologies

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All applicants to the Doctoral School SIMPPÉ must have successfully completed a Master degree or its equivalent with a grade comparable to or better than the French grade AB (corresponding roughly to the upper half of a graduating class)  In all cases (French or foreign Master degree, engineering degree, etc.) the counsel of the doctoral school will examine the candidate's dossier, which must include:

CV and letter of motivation the grades obtained for the Master (or equivalent) degree and a copy of the diploma if it is available 2 letters of recommendation, preferably from the director of the Master program and the supervisor of the candidate's research project written material (publications, Master thesis or report, etc.) related to the candidate's research project

Candidatures will be validated by the director of the Doctoral School after approval by the directorial committee of SIMPPÉ.

NOTE: All candidates must establish an on-line account before submitting the required documents.  This can be done by clicking on the button "Candidater" at the bottom of the description of each thesis subject.



The list of thesis offers proposed by SIMPPÉ Doctoral School can be found on the page "Thesis offers" of the doctoral school.