
SIMPPÉ - Présentation


SIMPPÉ is a Doctoral School associated with five research units including three Université de Lorraine-CNRS joint research units (UMR), one INRAE  unit under contract and two host teams, which works in close collaboration with the EMPP (Energy Mechanics Processes Products) scientific centre. It falls within the scope of the Lorraine College Board of Doctoral Schools.

It is a multidisciplinary Doctoral School in which themes developed are connected with transformation of natural resources for production of molecules, products and energy, and development of transformation processes.

The professional future, understanding and solving major Scientific, Technical and Societal problems are part of PhD students’ expectations. SIMPPÉ Doctoral School aims to meet such expectations and break free from traditional disciplinary divisions by placing the word "School" at the centre of its action for training through research and in research. These principles are underpinned by an appropriate philosophy and structure, particularly in the concern for doctors’ future careers.

The vocation of scientific and technological research alike in the laboratories that comprise SIMPPÉ Doctoral School requires us to go beyond division into specialities, and move towards an approach integrating a scientific and technological approach and advances in each discipline. Hence, expectations are as follows:
•     to develop scientific exchanges and synergies leading to mutual enrichment, to the development and conduct of joint research projects favouring a multidisciplinary inter-laboratory approach
•     Share of cultures – scientific culture, technical culture, entrepreneurial culture, and laboratory culture (operating rules and organisation)


Industrial and professional sectors concerned

The industrial and professional sectors concerned are:
•     Agrifood
•     Energy
•     Chemical industry
•     Cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries
•     Wood industries
•     Civil engineering
•     Recycling industries
•     Water treatment
•     Safety and risk management

Themes developed at SIMPPÉ Doctoral School

Themes developed at SIMPPÉ Doctoral School are:
•    Sustainable use and management of water, land, and agricultural and forestry resources,
•    Processes and Procedures for the transformation and valorisation of biomass into chemicals and energy,
•    Energy, mechanics, energy transfers,
•    Product designs and use functions,
•    Waste assessment, treatment and management,
•    Environmental safety, risk control.

Organisation of the Doctoral School. - Doctoral School 608 - SIMPPÉ

Regulations: The Doctoral School is managed by a Director assisted by an Executive Committee and a Board
SIMPPÉ Doctoral School Board comprises 25 members:
1/ Fifteen members who act as representative of research institutions, units and teams, including:
the Director of the Doctoral School, or, when the first School Board is set up, the sponsor of "SIMPPÉ Doctoral School" project, twelve representatives of the laboratories, and two representatives of the engineering, administrative and technical staff.

The Director of the Doctoral School or the Doctoral School Board, at the request of at least one quarter of its members, may invite an external person whose competences match a specific agenda item and whose opinion is deemed useful, to attend a Board meeting.
These representatives are appointed by the Vice-Chancellor of the Université de Lorraine for the duration of the accreditation, on the project sponsor’s recommendation, after consulting the research units concerned.
2/ A PhD student elected by and from among the PhD students in each research unit by means of a first-past-the-post system. Each candidacy for a seat as a member of the Board shall be accompanied, as far as possible, by the candidacy of a deputy.
3/ Five external members, appointed for the duration of the accreditation by the Vice-Chancellor of the University on the recommendation of the members of the Doctoral School Board, made by a simple majority of the representatives of the two aforementioned categories of members actually present. Members from outside the Doctoral School are selected from among individuals qualified in the scientific fields and in the socioeconomic sectors concerned.
•    In the event that a seat becomes vacant, the seat in question shall be filled, depending on the category of members, as set forth above, for the remainder of the term of office (expiry of the two-year term for PhD students or expiry of accreditation for other members).
•    In the event of the resignation or permanent incapacity of the Director, the Vice-Chancellor of the University shall appoint a provisional administrator who shall sit on the Board until a new Director is appointed.
•    The composition of the Board must ensure a balanced representation of women and men.
•    The Doctoral School Board has permanent guests: the Vice-Chancellor of the Université de Lorraine, the Director of the EMPP scientific centre , the University’s Accounting Officer, the General Manager of University Services, the Vice-President for PhD programmes at the Université de Lorraine, and the Directors of the scientific centres  in charge of research units attached to the Doctoral School if they are not already members of the Doctoral School Board.



Executive Committee of the Doctoral School: list of members


  • Dominique PETITJEAN - Dean ED SIMPPÉ
  • Christine FIVET - Pédagogical manager  ED SIMPPÉ
  • Mauricio CAMARGO PARDO (ERPI) - Professeur
  • Frédérique MAYER (ERPI) - Maitresse de Conférences HDR
  • Mathieu DEBAL (LERMaB) - Ingénieur de Recherche
  • Yann ROGAUME (LERMaB) - Professeur
  • Pierre GIRODS (LERMaB) - Maitre de Conférences
  • Marie-Christine AVERLANT-PETIT (LCPM) - Chargée de Recherche HDR
  • Jean-Luc SIX  (LCPM) - Professeur
  • Christel METIVIER (LEMTA) - Professeure
  • Olivier LOTTIN (LEMTA) - Professeur
  • Jean-Christophe PERRIN (LEMTA) - Professeur
  • Dominique THOMAS (LRGP) - Professeur
  • Cécile LEMAITRE (LRGP) - Maitresse de Conférences HDR
  • Marie-Odile SIMONNOT (LRGP) - Professeure
  • Ziadany MAYORAL SOLIS (doctorante ERPI) ou Mathias COURAUD (doctorant ERPI substitute)
  • Abir DHIMEN (doctorante LCPM) ou Melissa ATMIMOU (doctorante LCPM substitute)
  • Fatoumata Papa Baba DIARRA (doctorante LEMTA) ou Sara BEN SADEK (doctorante LEMTA substitute)
  • Martin PILON (doctorant LERMaB) ou Poste à pourvoir (doctorant LERMaB substitute)
  • Laure BRICE (doctorante LRGP) ou Romain FAURE (doctorant LRGP substitute)


Permanent guest :

  • David LACROIX  (Directeur du Pôle EMPP) - Professeur
  • Daphnée De Groote - Administrative manager ED


Board of Directors of the Doctoral School

The Board of the Doctoral School is made up of the members of the Executive Committee but also of representatives of the outside world chosen among qualified persons in the scientific fields and in the economic sectors of the Doctoral School.

  • Stéphan AUBERGER - Sté SALVECO
  • Jean-Michel FRADA - Sté RESOLEST
  • Patrick GAUFFRE - Gaz Réseau Distribution France
  • Guillaume JOLLY - Pôle de Compétitivité IAR
  • Jean-Pierre LECLERC - INRS