LUE : Organisations sportives promotrices de santé: de l'évaluation à la certification

Offre de thèse

LUE : Organisations sportives promotrices de santé: de l'évaluation à la certification

Date limite de candidature


Date de début de contrat


Directeur de thèse

VAN HOYE Aurelie


Susanna Geidne, Örebro University

Type de contrat

Concours pour un contrat doctoral

école doctorale

BioSE - Biologie Santé Environnement



HPSO will address the problem of lack of theory-informed and evidence-based practice on health promotion in sports organisations, by identifying HPSC practices and determinants among sports stakeholders to develop a pioneering measurement method to inform future health promotion policies and interventions in sports clubs, fostering sports participants' healthier lifestyles. HPSO will be the first to collect theory-based data on four types of health determinants (social, organisational, economic and environmental), crossing stakeholders' perceptions at sports clubs and sports federation level on HP as a process not a behavioral outcome on a single health topic (e.g. injuries, doping), across multiple sports in a systematic manner. Moreover, HPSO will include longitudinal studies to evaluate the temporal evolution of HPSC activities and their determinants.


Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé - BioSE


INSPIIRE_ INterdisciplinarité en Santé Publique Interventions et Instruments de mesure complexes – Région Est

Mots clés

Club sportif promoteur de santé, Approche par milieu de vie, Club et fédération sportif

Détail de l'offre

De nombreux clubs sportifs et fédérations sportives pensent positivement au HP mais sont passifs lorsqu'il s'agit de le mettre en œuvre. Les principaux facteurs expliquant cette passivité ont été identifiés : le manque de savoir-faire, les difficultés à collaborer avec les organisations de santé et la nature essentiellement bénévole des clubs sportifs. Afin d'améliorer la base factuelle de la pratique, le présent projet de doctorat vise à développer une certification pour les clubs sportifs et les fédérations sportives en ce qui concerne la promotion de la santé. Trois objectifs de recherche seront visés dans le cadre de ce projet : (1) tester un outil d'observation pour les clubs sportifs promouvant la santé dans les deux pays sur 20 clubs sportifs ; (2) développer une certification pour les clubs sportifs et les fédérations sportives, afin d'auto-évaluer leurs activités et politiques de promotion de la santé et de les comparer aux meilleures pratiques ; (3) comparer les résultats de la certification pour 20 clubs sportifs et 10 fédérations sportives à travers la France et la Suède. Le résultat attendu est la création de deux boîtes à outils de certification, l'une pour les clubs sportifs et l'autre pour les fédérations sportives, afin d'encourager les meilleures pratiques en matière de promotion de la santé au sein des organisations sportives.


Health Promoting Sports Clubs, Settings-based approach, Sports clubs and federations, Comparative study

Subject details

Many sports clubs and sports federations think positively about HP but are passive when it comes to implementation. Key factors explaining this passivity have been identified: lack of know-how, challenges in collaborating with health organisations and the predominantly voluntary nature of sports clubs. To enhance the evidence-base of practice, the present PhD project aims at developing certification for sports clubs and sports federations in regard to Health Promotion. Three research objectives will be targeted in the present project: (1) Test an observational tool for health promoting sports clubs in the two countries across 20 sports clubs; (2) Develop a certification for sports clubs and sports federations, to self-report their health promotion activities and policies and benchmark against best practices; (3) Compare the results of the certification for 20 sports clubs and 10 sports federations across France and Sweden. The expected result are two certification toolkits, one for sports club and one for sports federation, fostering health promotion best practice among sports organisations.

Profil du candidat

• Master ou doctorat en santé publique / STAPS / sciences humaines et sociales avec une sensibilité sur la santé dans le sport ;
• Capacité à mener des recherches participatives ;
• Maîtrise des techniques d'entretien et de traitement des données qualitatives ;
• Maîtrise des logiciels de traitements de données qualitatives appréciée ;
• Maitrise de l'anglais.

Candidate profile

Master in public health, sport sciences (social sciences), with knowledge on health promotion and sport system.
Selection criteria:
Excellence of the candidate (in particular their ranking/distinction obtained in their Master's program)
Ability of the candidate to master the different aspects of the subject
Mastery of the English language
Ability to conduct participative or observational research
Mastery of interview techniques and analyzing qualitative data
Proficiency in quantitative data processing and software preferred
Interdisciplinary skills

Référence biblio

1. Johnson, S., Van Hoye, A., Geidne, S., Donaldson, A., Rostan, F., Lemonnier, F., ... Vuillemin, A. (2023). A health promoting sports club framework: strategies from the field. Global Health Promotion, 17579759231195562.
2. Van Hoye, A., Geidne, S., Vuillemin, A., Dowd, K., Glibo, I., Heck, S., ... Winand, M. Health Promoting Sports Federations: theoretical foundations and guidelines. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1147899.
3. Van Hoye, A., Lane, A., Dowd, K., Seghers, J., Donaldson, A., Ooms, L., ... Geidne, S. (2023). Health promoting sports clubs: from theoretical model to logic model. Health Promotion International, 38(2), daad009.
4. Johnson, S., Vuillemin, A., Lane, A., Dowd, K., Geidne, S. Kokko, S., Donaldson, A., Seghers, J., Whiting, S. Van Hoye A. (2022) Development of the health promoting sports club—national audit tool, European Journal of Public Health, Volume 32, Issue Supplement_1, Pages i28–i37,
5. Johnson, S., Vuillemin, A., Epstein, J., Geidne, S., Donaldson, A., Tezier, B., ... Van Hoye, A. (2022). French validation of the e-PROSCeSS questionnaire: stakeholder perceptions of the health promoting sports club. Health promotion international.
6. Geidne, S., Van Hoye, A. (2021). Health Promotion in Sport, through Sport, as an Outcome of Sport, or Health-Promoting Sport—What Is the Difference? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(17), 9045
7. Van Hoye, A., Johnson, S., Geidne, S., Vuillemin, A. (2020). Relationship between coaches' health promotion activities, sports experience and health among adults. Health Education Journal, 79(7), 763-774.
8. Van Hoye, A., Johnson, S., Geidne, S., Donaldson, A., Rostan, F., Lemonnier, F. Vuillemin, A. (2020) The health promoting sports club model: An intervention planning framework. Health Promotion International, 36(3), 811-823.
9. Van Hoye, A., Johnson, S., Geidne, S. Vuillemin, A. (2020). Relationship between coaches' health promotion activities, sport experience and health among adults. Health Education Journal. 0017896920919777
10. Johnson, S., Vuillemin, A., Geidne, S., Kokko, S., Epstein, J. Van Hoye, A. (2019). Measuring Health Promotion in a Sports Club Setting: A modified Delphi Study. Health education and Behavior. Doi: 10.1177/1090198119889098
11. Geidne, S., Kokko, S., Lane, A., Ooms, L., Vuillemin, A., Seghers, J., Koski, P., Kudlacek, M., Johnson, S. Van Hoye, A. (2019). Health promotion interventions in sports clubs: can we talk about a setting based approach? A systematic mapping review. Health education and Behavior, 46(4), 592-601
12. Koko, S., Martin, L., Villberg, J., Geidne, S., Van Hoye, A., Kudlacek, M., Badura, P., Lane, A., Meganck, J., Scheerder, J., Seghers, Mononen, K., Blomqvist, M., Koski, P. (2018) Does sport club participation contribute to physical activity among children and adolescents? A comparison across six European countries. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 1403494818786110.