
SLTC - Comité de suivi

Monitoring committee

(Article 13 of the Order of May 25, 2016) :

"An individual monitoring committee of the doctoral student ensures the smooth running of the program based on the doctoral charter and the training agreement. It evaluates, in an interview with the doctoral student, the conditions of his or her training and the progress of his or her research. It makes recommendations and sends a report of the interview to the director of the doctoral school, the doctoral student and the thesis director. In particular, it ensures the prevention of any form of conflict, discrimination or harassment. The composition, organization and functioning of this committee are determined by the doctoral school council. The members of this committee do not participate in the direction of the doctoral work. »


Constitution of the committee

The committee is made up of at least two people, members of the University of Lorraine or from outside the University of Lorraine not involved in the research work. The directors, co-directors or co-supervisors of the thesis are therefore de facto excluded and they cannot be part of the monitoring committee, nor sign the opinions given by this committee. It is desirable that the members of the monitoring committee are not then chosen as thesis rapporteurs in order to avoid an interpretation of the statement "The rapporteurs are not involved in the work of the doctoral student" of article 17 of the decree).


Functioning and role of the committee

The decree stipulates that the monitoring committee must give an opinion (on the doctoral student's re-enrollment) from the third registration onwards (this is indeed the third registration, regardless of the date of the first registration). The SLTC Doctoral School recommends that the monitoring committee be constituted as early as the first year of the doctoral program and give a first opinion after one year of the thesis in order to evaluate the progress of the work.

The opinion of the monitoring committee, signed by the members of the committee and by the doctoral student, will be communicated to the supervisors and forwarded to the doctoral student who will deposit it on his ADUM account.

Here is the link to have the forms to be completed (on your right, in the "downloads" tab): http://doctorat.univ-lorraine.fr/fr/etre-doctorant/comite-de-suivi