Franco-German & cross-border virtual doctoral student meetings
Franco-German & cross-border virtual doctoral student meetings
Organized by the Applied Universities of Trier and Saarland, ISEETECH, the University of Namur and the University of Lorraine (CFALor), this meeting will take place online on November 10 from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm.
This year's theme will be : biotechnologies and sciences of life.
Doctoral students will have to present their research project live from 5 slides (5 minutes maximum of presentation), in French or German (translation provided by an organizer). A short abstract of the project (no more than 100 words) is requested, which will be translated and made available in German and French on the conference website.
A great opportunity to discover ongoing research projects on these topics and to make contacts!
Prior registration is free and mandatory :