Summer school: Scientific mediation


Summer school: Scientific mediation

After the first edition in July 2023, organized in Nancy, the Université de Lorraine is renewing its Science Avec et Pour la Société summer school devoted to scientific mediation from July 1 to 4, 2024.
This year's workshop is aimed at doctoral students and research and science mediation professionals from the Grand Est region of France, and will be held at the Adeppa center in Vigy, Moselle, a place that favors access to nature and biodiversity, located 20 minutes from Metz and 1 hour from Nancy.
Participants will benefit from four days dedicated to professionalizing scientific mediation, sharing best practices and networking.

During this stay, interactive presentation sessions, creative workshops and reflective moments will be organized around the themes of play in scientific mediation, citizen issues and transmission.

Registration on ADUM from February 15, 2024.