PhD key steps

doctoriales 2013


Your defence

Defence between January 1 and February 28, 2021,

go to the re-enrollment page

Special procedure for a defence until October 1, 2020
  • Face to face defence

A face-to-face defence means that the PhD student and the president of the commitee are in the same room, in a UL building.
It can be enhanced with one or more videoconferencing points. The staff of the institution as well as doctoral students are allowed to enter the UL buildings, members of of the jury who are not from the university are also allowed to be present (however the presence of family members is still prohibited until July 10th. A connection link to attend the defence can be transmitted to them). It is therefore imperative to provide complementary/additional videoconferenceing points In this case, the doctoral student fills in page 2 of the document "Request for defence" available on Adum, to indicate which additional videoconferencing points will be provided. The defence will then takes place like a "classical" defence.

  • Dematerialized defence

This is a defence where the PhD student and the president of the committee are not in the same place. It is possible that the dematerialized defence may be held in part on the UL buildings for UL members who wish to be in the same room. It is necessary to make a written derogation request to the VP in charge of the doctoral strategy. Your administrative officer will then give you full instructions on how to hold a dematerialized defence (note that the procedure has been relaxed and family/member guests are now allowed to log in). You will find the procedure in the "note relative à la soutenance par voie dématérialisée"(FR only).

In both cases, you will have to reserve a room in a UL building and respect the instructions (distance, maximum number of people allowed in the room, etc.), defined by the component lending the room.


Situation Defence Defence application file must be submitted 8 weeks before the defence Registration Registration deadline Fees
n°1 If you defend your thesis between September 1 and December 31, 2020 Deadline 23/10/2020 / / /
n°2 If you defend your thesis between January 1 and February 28, 2021 Deadline 18/12/2020 YES


(possible derogation until 31/10/2020 for doctoral students impacted by the Covid19 health crisis and whose defence must be postponed)
The defence file must be submitted at the time of registration in order to justify the exemption

NO but

CVEC 92 €

n°3 If you defend your thesis from March 1, 2021   YES 30/09/2020


380 € + CVEC 92 €