(list of tasks/skills/credits here - decision of the C2MP Doctoral School Board on January 16th 2024)
The mission of the C2MP Doctoral School is to help and support you in your thesis training plan. If you have any problems or have any questions, please contact your Training Supervisor (TS), Ms Sartori (
Regulatory framework:
The first article of the Order of 25 May 2016 states that ‘Doctoral training is training in and through research and professional research experience’. Each PhD student must acquire or validate skills in order to become a doctor. The validation of skills is monitored in an accounting system using units of measurement, training units known as ‘credits’. The doctorate is awarded to doctoral students who have obtained a level of competence corresponding to a minimum of 180 credits distributed as follows:
- 150 credits for the thesis,
- 30 credits minimum for 3 training components: scientific promotion / training / preparation for the post-thesis period
- At least 10 credits for scientific promotion: production of work or participation in the organisation of scientific events, publication of an article (first author) in a peer-reviewed international journal (obligatory task),
- active participation (poster or oral communication) in the C2MP Doctoral School's annual seminar once during the 3 years of the thesis (obligatory task).
- 10 credits minimum for training :
- 5 credits minimum for disciplinary courses (2 different courses),
- 3 credits minimum for cross-disciplinary courses (2 different courses),
- 1 credit for thescientific integrity course (obligatory task from 1st year),
- 1 credit for the language course French or English (obligatory task from 1st year),
- 5 credits minimum for preparation for the post-doctoral period (depending on the doctoral student's career plan)
- 5 floating credits (to be divided between the 3 components: scientific promotion / training / post-thesis preparation),
The PhD student establishes his/her own doctoral training pathway based on a training offer and his/her situation.
The 30 training credits must have been obtained and the compulsory training courses must have been completed before the end of the 3rd year of the thesis. If this is not the case :
- Failing this, a waiver for registration in the 4th year cannot be granted, except in justified exceptional situations, and subject to regularisation according to a timetable validated by the C2MP doctoral school.
- Authorisation to defend a thesis cannot be granted to PhD students who have not validated their 30 credits and who have not followed the compulsory training courses.
PhD students with a double inscription (Lorraine university and foreign university) can continue their training during their stay abroad outside the Université de Lorraine in order to validate their 30 training credits (with non-catalogue training courses). see section below.
PhD students undertake to keep their Adum account up to date, and in particular their portfolio, so that credits can be validated on an ongoing basis for better management.
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The enrollment to training courses and the validation of credits are managed on ADUM. Each doctoral student will be able to validate credits by respecting the minimum required per section and within the sections. N.B: you have to choose 5 additional credits freely among the offer in order to have a total count of 30 required credits |
To see all available courses, please switch to the french version of this page.
- Some training courses are given in english. In this case a small flag appears next to the title of the course.
- For more information on this training system, please consult our FAQ or contact the educational officer of your doctoral school
Thesis in co-tutelle with a foreign university:
A video explaining the UL doctoral training system in English is available in the "PHD KEY STEPS: Trainings" section of the UL general doctoral website.
As a PhD student in cotutelle, you are automatically granted 4 credits by your doctoral school. To obtain them, you must connect to your ADUM personal space. In the "Trainings" section on the top right-hand side, click on "Declaration of external training courses" and then on the "add an external training module" tab. Then Click the "add a training module" botton and select the "Stays in other laboratories" category from the drop-down menu.
The remaining 26 credits must be obtained before the thesis defence.
The Scientific Valorisation module must necessarily be completed for 10 credits.
The Scientific Integrity sub-module as well as the language sub-module must be validated (mandatory in 1st year) and a publication (1st author) in an international peer-reviewed scientific journal must be accepted.
in the "Accompanying the thesis" module for 10 credits and in the "Preparing the post-thesis" module for the last 6 credits.
As far as possible, you are requested to take the "corresponding" training courses that would be available to you in the cotutelle partner country.
For more information on this training system, please consult our FAQ or contact your doctoral school educational officer.
- Modules thématiques
Enseignement supérieur
Former les doctorants à la pédagogie universitaire pour effectuer les enseignements en parallèle à leur doctorat et pour intégrer ultérieurement une équipe pédagogique avec un rôle plus actif.
Doctoriales 3 Entreprendre : une voie de professionnalisation 1.5 Découverte des propriétés intellectuelles 1.5 Gestion de projet (MOOC-36h) 4 Gestion de projet (MOOC - 18h) 2 Compétences pour l'entreprise Doc-Entrepreneur (PEEL) Comptabilité et gestion d'entreprises 1.5 S'essayer à l'entreprenariat 1 Approches globales de modélisation 1.5 Discover Entrepreneurship 1 Connaissance de soi 1.5
Aide à l'insertion professionnelle
Compétences : Docteur 1.5 Insertion pro. et techniques recherche d'emploi 1.5 A PhD, what next ? 1.5 Visites d'entreprises 0.5
Médiation Scientifique
Découvrir la médiation scientifique 1.5 Ma thèse en 180 sec. 3 Esprit critique et zététique 1.5 Monter un projet de médiation 1.5 Experimentarium 1.5 - Séjours en entreprise ou en collectivité
Entreprise 3 Collectivité territoriale 3 - Responsabilités collectives
Participation organisation colloque international 2 Participation organisation colloque national 1 Membre de conseil 2 Membre bureau association 1 Organisation conférence grand public 1 Président bureau association 2 - Autres
Charge d'enseignement / par an 1