Monitoring committee
Information on the CSI is available at the following address:
I- Setting up your CSI :
The CSI must be completed within 6 months of the start of the thesis.
The additional rules specific to ED C2MP (in red) are :
- The CSI is made up of researchers or teacher-researchers or researcher engineers, or all members with a PhD thesis.
- a member must be a specialist (or related to the field of the thesis) (compulsory),
- a member must be a non-specialist (compulsory),
- The members are external to the host team:
- one of the two members has at least an HDR,
- one of them may be a member of the laboratory (outside the host team),
- the other may be from outside the Université de Lorraine (recommended) but must be from outside the host laboratory (or the host department for the IJL).
Example of the CSI constitution : A member may meet several criteria at the same time: an HDR specialist from the University of Strasbourg (3 criteria: ‘specialist’, ‘HDR’ and ‘from outside the UL’).
WARNING : As soon as you have entered the names of the members of your committee on your ADUM profile, please send a message to the educational officer ( so that she can validate them.
Terms and conditions :
At the end of the interview, which must be done during the May-June period (by 30 June at the latest)
the monitoring committee makes recommendations and sends a summary report to the doctoral school by using the UL report template.
The doctoral student must upload the report of his/her monitoring committee to his/her ADUM personal account in the "monitoring committee" section, and make sure to validate all the tabs in order to initiate the dematerialized re-enrollment procedure for the next year, which will be closed on 30 September. The thesis supervisor and laboratory director are sent a message first when the procedure is being initated.
The validation of the report by the director of the doctoral school leads to the re-enrollment in the next year. In case of non-validation, the restricted council of the doctoral school decides on the actions to be taken.
Interview with the monitoring committee :
- Doctoral students enrolled in 1st year (including cotutelle students)
In the case of a first registration, the doctoral student is asked to send a report to the monitoring committee members before the interview which must take place before 30 June.
This free-format report is short (between 4 and 6 pages). It must contain:
a Curriculum Vitae of the doctoral student,
a detailed presentation of the thesis subject and the corresponding state of the art (bibliography)
a description of the methodology (theoretical, numerical, experimental means) to be implemented to address this problem.
a provisional schedule for the remaining two years.
This report also indicates any difficulties encountered by the doctoral student. - 2nd year doctoral students
The in-depth mid-term follow-up allows to take stock of the progress of the doctoral student's scientific work, his/her handling of the subject, the perspectives of the research project and its finalisation. It must be the occasion to verify that the trainings followed by the doctoral student are consistent with his/her current project and his/her professional choices. All of the doctoral student's activities are considered, including non-research activities (teaching, development, etc.).
The mid-term evaluation is organised between the 16th and 20th month. It is a prerequisite for enrollment in the 3rd year.
The free-format report (between 10 and 15 pages) provided by the doctoral student must contain:
- The updated Curriculum Vitae of the doctoral student, giving a global vision of the doctoral student's activities (non-research missions, stays outside the doctoral student's research team, publications, articles submitted or in preparation, software/prototypes or experiments deployed or in progress).
- A detailed presentation describing the thesis subject, the results obtained, the progress and perspectives of his/her research work. This document may be based on a submitted or published article.
- A provisional schedule of the remaining activities (apart from the thesis writing period).
- Following years
If the thesis exceptionally exceeds 36 months, the monitoring committee must obvioulsy meet the doctoral student at the end of the 3rd year. Re-enrollment in 4th year is authorised by the doctoral school director on the basis of a reasoned opinion of the monitoring committee. The report must contain a month-by-month detailed schedule of the work and thesis writing progress.