
HNFB - Recrutement (EN)

Applying for a thesis

The Doctoral School recruits its PhD students initially on the basis of their applications. If you wish to join your Doctoral School, please send Aude Meziani (aude.meziani@univ-lorraine.fr) an application comprising the following documents:
•    CV
•    letter of motivation
•    thesis title/proposal/summary (minimum 1 page)
•    documents proving that you will have sufficient resources during the years of your thesis
•    transcript of Master’s (it is necessary to have obtained at least 14 on average in M2 or at least 14 for the Master’s dissertation)


Doctoral contract (terms and conditions)

Each year, the doctoral school has a certain number of doctoral contracts (between 7 and 10) spread over the TELL and CLCS scientific poles.

You will find below, the information relative to these recruitments:

- Calendrier de la campagne de recrutement (recruitment campaign calendar)

- Critères de recevabilités des dossiers (criteria for admissibility of files)

- Procédure de recrutement (recruitment procedure)

- Dossier 2020 - Phase1

Other funding (humanities and social sciences)

A detailed list of thesis funding is already detailed on the site under the tab "Apply for a PhD" - Funding programs

We propose to complete this list with specific funding for the Human and Social Sciences.

If you take such a step, do not hesitate to inform the Doctoral School which will support you.


Funding and funding assistance organizations:

- Campus-France: Eiffel Excellence Scholarships, Doctoral Colleagues Scholarships, Lavoisier Scholarships, international mobility, "Hubert Curien" partnership: http://www.campusfrance.org/fr/recherche/financer-son-doctorat
- Fondation France: help to finance a project (call for projects) http://isf.fondationdefrance.org/?gclid=CJDFzs-wk80CFfMV0wodDGcDMA

- IEDU: portal for funding and scholarships for doctoral and post-doctoral students. http://www.iedu.fr/index.php?page=bourses&menu_ind=0@1


Institutional employment contracts :

- Franco-German University (UFA): The German-French University offers a number of doctoral contracts.

- Employment or research contracts financed by the research unit: Research units can recruit doctoral students by employment contract from their own funds when they have them. Please contact the secretariat of your research unit or the director of the research unit for information and to find out, if necessary, the conditions of access to such funding.

- ABG: Association Bernard Grégory

- ANR: National Research Agency

- INHA : National Institute of Art History

- IHEDN : Institute of Higher National Defence Studies


History, Ethnology, Anthropology, Human Sciences:

- Quay Branly Museum

- Charles de Gaulle Foundation

- Resistance Foundation

- Foundation for the memory of the deportation

- Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah

- Auschwitz Foundation

- Napoleon Foundation

- National School of Social Security

- Association of Paralysed People in France

- International Association "The House of Augustus Count".

- Robert Schuman Foundation

- Institute of Human Paleontology: Prince Albert 1st Foundation

- Louis Dumont Fund for Social Anthropology

- Thyssen Foundation

- French-american foundation : only for the discipline " American civilization "


Music, arts, entertainment:

- Nadia and Lili Boulanger International Foundation

- Association for the Promotion of Performing Arts


Going abroad

- British Council

- DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer AustauschDienst/ German Academic Exchange Service): scholarships for research stays in Germany.

- German-French Youth Office (FGYO): scholarships for studies on a German-French theme.

- The Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF): this mobility must favour priority themes, in terms of development, for the regions of the South and aim, if possible, at a doctorate with co-supervision or co-direction.

- Centre de Coopération Interuniversitaire Franco-Québéquois (CCIFQ): two types of scholarships, study bursaries or travel grants for conferences.

- Volontariat International (CIVI): going to work abroad for a period of 6 to 24 months to share your skills and acquire new ones, within a university research unit, while being paid.

- ERASMUS MUNDUS programme: Individual researcher mobility grant

- ERASMUS programme: 3-12 month overseas mobility grant

- Uni-GR: mobility grants in the Greater Region.

- Centre Interdisciplinaire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Allemagne (CIERA): offers a range of doctoral training courses for researchers in the humanities and social sciences working on Franco-German or German-related issues, with partial financial support for travel.

The European Commission :

- FP7: the European Union's research framework programme, which co-finances research and technological development projects, carried out in partnership with institutions in countries eligible for the programme.

- Marie Curie Actions in FP7: these actions aim to develop opportunities for training and professional experience abroad for researchers throughout their careers.