
BIOSE - Présentation

(Doctoral School 266 - Biologie, Santé, Environnement)

The BioSE Doctoral School is contracted within the University of Lorraine (UL) for the duration of the 2018-2022 four-year contract.

As of 1 January 2018, it includes 236 teacher-researchers (plus 15 foreign supervisors) and 23 Researchers from Public Scientific and Technological Institutions (EPSTs), 180 of whom hold an accreditation to supervise research (HDR - Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches).
These Teacher-Researchers and Researchers are mostly contracted in 12 teams hosting PhD students (3 CNRS teams and 5 INSERM teams), and in 2 teams based in Luxembourg (LIH and LBMCC). Close collaboration has been developed with Nancy University Hospital and the INRS.

The BioSE Doctoral School brings together the majority of research teams working in the field of biology and health, which gives it thematic transversality with the University of Lorraine’s other Doctoral Schools. The University’s PhD programme is also supported in the BioSE Doctoral School under a single degree title: “Life and Health Sciences”.

The teams affiliated to the BioSE Doctoral School are essentially attached to the BMS (Biology Health Environment) scientific centre. Some of them are affiliated to the AM2I, A2F and CPM centres.

The teams' focuses range from basic research on nucleic acid maturation or molecular and structural enzymology to epidemiological and/or epigenetic studies, with the common objective of improving knowledge of the pathophysiological mechanisms of human diseases and proposing new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, in particular those based on cellular and tissue engineering or drug targeting.
Their areas of application include osteoarticular pathophysiology, vascular ageing, nutrition and metabolic diseases, oncology, host-pathogen relationships and the impact of environmental factors on health.

Interdisciplinarity is strongly encouraged within the Doctoral School.


The director of the doctoral school's presentation

Presentation of Professor Patrick MENU at the AGM of September 2nd, 2019  : download here

Rules and regulations

The rules of procedure of the ED BioSE can be downloaded :  here

Composition of the ED Council
  • Patrick MENU (Director of the ED BIoSE - UMR 7365 IMoPA)
  • Sophiel RAHUEL CLERMONT (Deputy Director of the ED BioSE - UMR 7365 IMoPA)
  • Valérie JOUAN-HUREAUX (UMR 7039 CRAN)
  • Hadrien CEYTE (EA 3450 DevAH) 
  • Fabienne LIGIER (EA 4360 APEMAC)
  • Véronique REGNAULT (UMR_S 1116 DCAC)
  • Gabriela HOSSU (UMR_S 1254 IADI)
  • Bernard NAMOUR (UMR_S 1256 NGERE)

Doctoral student representatives

  • Adrien FAYON
  • Maëlle QUERE
  • Charlotte VOISIN

Members of the socio-economic world

  • Jean-François BISSON
  • Frédéric BOURGAUD
  • Marc DERIVE
ED Council Reports