
BIOSE - Comité de suivi

Monitoring committee

Information on the Monitoring committee is available at: http://doctorat.univ-lorraine.fr/fr/etre-doctorant/comite-de-suivi

You must set up your Monitoring committee no later than 6 months after your registration in order to have it validated by the ED. The ED Biose strongly recommends that the Monitoring committee be made up of one external member and one internal UL member from outside the laboratory, who have not published with the thesis directors in the last 5 years.

The minutes of the meeting must be drawn up using the standardized form entitled “Monitoring committee report form” (available via the link above) and filed in adum by July 14, 2025, at the latest.

Doctoral students who have registered exceptionally in their 1st year (CIFRE or late funding) between February 1 and June 30 will meet their committee later, before registration for the following year (between April and June).