The Doctoral School of New Humanities – Fernand Braudel
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- Overview
The Doctoral School of New Humanities – Fernand Braudel (ED 411) is part of the Collège Lorrain des Ecoles Doctorales (CLED –Lorraine College Board of Doctoral Schools) which brings together the University of Lorraine’s 8 Doctoral Schools.
It brings together PhD students and Supervisors from 10 research units, including 9 from the University of Lorraine, as well as, by convention, a unit of the Higher National School of Architecture in Nancy (ENSA Nancy).
The Doctoral School of New Humanities – Fernand Braudel nearly has 100 supervisors accredited to supervise research projects. It brings together around 330 doctoral students and has an average of 35 theses defended per year.
Its areas of interest are expressed first and foremost in the choice of a reference to epistemological transformations of the Humanities, whether these are considered through the prism of approaches based on an acclaimed tradition or whether they embody a contemporary relationship to knowledge and understanding. These areas of interest also refer to an emblematic patronage, that of Meuse-born historian Fernand Braudel, who embodies – among other scientific orientations – interdisciplinarity. He was the creator of the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme and an inspiration for the founding of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS).
Furthermore, the School’s research units are centred around four key words – Civilizations, Interculturality, Imagination and Interactions – that fuel its scientific life. Such is the case for the start of the university year in November, when each year the School holds an inaugural conference on these priority thematic areas. It is also the case for the School's seminars and, in part, for the Logos crossborder doctoral days.
These key words resonate with those of the Logos Crossborder Doctoral School associated with it (Interculturality and Identities), as well as with the concerns of the two benchmark scientific centres:
- CLCS (Knowledge, Language, Communication, Societies)
- TELL (Time, Space, Languages, Literature). - Board's constitution
- Our partners
CDEFI (Conférence des Directeurs de Ecoles Françaises d'Ingénieurs)
Labellisation parcours "Compétences pour l'entreprise" (Centre franco-allemand de Lorraine) (Centre interdisciplinaire d'études et de recherches sur l'Allemagne)
EUA (European University Association) (Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale)
Réseau doctoral national « Stratégie, Défense et Sécurité nationale » consacré aux questions de défense et sécurité nationale Uni Saarland / Pôle France Université de la Sarre (Université de la Grande Région) (Université Franco-Allemande) - Logos
A crossborder Doctoral School of humanities and social sciences was created thanks to the determination of four Universities of the Greater Region:
- University of Liège (
- University of Luxembourg (
- University of Saarland (
- University of Lorraine (via the Fernand-Braudel Doctoral School: School set up a Board in 2000 that has since then been known as Logos. It is made up of a network of research units and research Chairholders from the four universities and their PhD students. In 2014, the Supervisors and PhD students in Human and Social Sciences at Trier – a university that is also a partner of the Greater Region network ( – joined the network. the Supervisors and PhD students at Mannheim (in 2014) ( and those at Mons (in 2016) ( have become associate partners.
Logos aims to develop partnerships at doctoral level in humanities and social sciences, in order to support PhD students throughout their research projects by enabling them to:
- become part of an international fabric that takes advantage of the opportunities offered by the Greater Regional crossborder fabric,
- enter into scientific dialogue with PhD students and research units in this area,
- regularly present the results of their work in this context,
- easily benefit from cotutelle programmes,
- have easier access to the European and/or Greater Regional doctoral label,
- access a large employment basin through this means.
Every year, Logos organises crossborder doctoral days bringing senior researchers and young researchers together. It publishes the best contributions on its website.
It has stepped up its activities thanks to the support of an Interreg V programme, and is applying for an Interreg VI programme through which it intends to develop specialist training courses.
Link to the Logos website (UniGR): - ICIDOC
Our association
Active since May 2014, our association was officially registered in the Register of Associations of the Court of Metz on 2 October 2015. The association is intended for PhD students at the Doctoral School of New Humanities – Fernand Braudel whose research work is in line with the scientific programme of the Doctoral School’s scientific programme.
The board
Our Board currently comprises seven members, from various research units of Fernand-Braudel Doctoral School
Our objectives
- to organise interdisciplinary scientific events (seminars, workshops and information days)
- to create a platform for exchange, information and mutual support for Fernand Braudel Doctoral School PhD students (mailing list, FB page, etc.)
- to enable PhD students to actively participate in doctoral life at ULOur activities
- organisation of interdisciplinary doctoral seminars (see the activities tab of the Doctoral School)
- organisation of methodological workshops (see the activities tab Doctoral School)
- online publication of work and presentations by the Doctoral School’s PhD students
- regular clinics in Metz and NancyJoin
Feel free to contact us if you wish to join our association and for any other questions, by writing to:
The annual fee is €5.Find us
Tous les Mercredis et Vendredis
de 14h à 17h
1er étage de l’administration
UFR Arts, Lettres et Langues
Ile du Saulcy
Tous les Vendredis
de 14h à 17h
Bureau A 344
Campus Lettres et Sciences Humaines
23 boulevard Albert 1er