PhD key steps

EN Soutenance dématérialisée
Your defence (procedure by digital workflow)

As of July 1st 2021, the whole defence procedure will become electronic and will be done via ADUM.
We remind you that, in line with the Administrative Council decision, the deadline to submit your thesis for a defence without payment of registration fees is set on November 1st 2024.
The whole defence procedure is now entirely dealt with via the ADUM platform and is entirely electronic . The round of defence authorization/approval will be done thanks to a workflow system that will automatically inform each participant of the successive validations to be done. You will therefore automatically be informed of each of the key steps of the procedure
From now on, you will submit your thesis in two steps :
Step 1: Declare your defence and submit your thesis on ADUM (8 weeks before the defence)
1/ You declare the members of your committee and submit your manuscript on your ADUM interface (see tutorial opposite)
2/ An email is then sent to your supervisor, the head of your doctoral school and to the Vice President for graduate school strategy, in order to collect their successive opinion. [For IAEM, an email is also sent to the heads of the committees]
3/ Once the VP has given her opinion, you will receive an email confirming the validation of the committee composition and your administrative officer will contact both the committee and the pre-examiners.
Step 2: The authorization to defend in light of the reports (4 weeks before the defence)
1/ The pre-examiners submit their « reports » on the ADUM platform. You will then receive an automatic email for each submission.
2/ Once the pre-examiners have submitted their reports, the head of the doctoral school gives his/her opinion on the authorization to defend. The Vice President for graduate school strategy will then give her decision. You will receive an email informing you of this decision. If you are authorized to defend, the administrative officer of your doctoral school will confirm the defence to the members of the committee.
3/ Your supervisor can then upload the official documents available in his/her ADUM space, for your defence.
You will find opposite the detailed guide "Detailed guide for thesis defence” together with a tutorial to help you with the declaring of your defence on ADUM.