
IAEM - Doctorants


Join the LinkedIn network of PhD holders and PhD students of IAEM Doctoral School



General provisions

The general provisions relating to doctoral life (monitoring committee, re-enrollement, intermission and defense) can be consulted from the "PhD KEY STEPS" tab of this page. The information below is intended only to specify the general provisions that must be respected.

ANDès (National Association of Doctors) and CJC (Confederation of Young Researchers) offer "The Doctoral Guide", a set of sheets presenting the actors of the doctorate, the conditions, procedures, practices and advice for the organization of the doctoral system, the conduct of a doctoral project and the pursuit of doctoral careers.

The Passport For Open Science is a guide designed to accompany PhD students at every step of their research career, whatever their disciplinary field. It provides a set of tools and good practices that can be directly implemented.


The UL Board of Directors set out the precise schedule for re-enrolment.

The deadline for re-enrollement is September 30. Without re-enrollment, the PhD student will be considered as having abandoned his thesis and will therefore no longer be able to re-enroll at a later date.

For PhD students in their final year, the decree of 19 April 2019 on tuition fees in public higher education institutions under the responsibility of the Minister for Higher Education states that:

"Users regularly enrolled in doctoral studies as of the 2019-2020 academic year who defend their thesis between September 1st and December 31 do not pay any registration fees for this new academic year".

The deadline for submitting the application for a defence without re-enrolement before the last days of December remains, however, set at the end of the third week of October.

Regarding the position of students who have not been re-enrolled and who will defend their thesis before December 31, the Regulatory Department of the DGSIP of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation was asked and its answer is as follows:

"I would like to point out that Article 5 of the Order of 19 April 2019 on tuition fees in public higher education institutions under the responsibility of the Minister for Higher Education does not introduce a new case of exemption for doctoral students. It simply allows doctoral candidates who postpone the defence of their thesis after the beginning of a new academic year (within the limit of the current calendar year) to consider that they are still covered by the administrative registration made for the previous year."

Note from the DGSIP of July 2019.


Latex class for writing a thesis

Denis Roegel from LORIA has created a Latex class for thesis writing. The latest version with its documentation is available for download here. You can also download the archive by clicking on TUL.zip.

Annual PhD students conference IAEM Lorraine: APIL

Each year, in the autumn, a Doctoral School day is organised during which doctoral students registered for the third time (and having started their thesis more than 18 months ago) must prepare a poster describing their research work. This poster must be understandable by all members of the Doctoral School. Posters are submitted using a conference management system (currently EasyChair). They are evaluated by the members of the program committee and recommendations are sent to the authors to improve their poster. The posters are then posted and give rise to exchanges and discussions during the autumn day. This exercise of disseminating scientific results is mandatory and is subject to the award of training credits.