
IAEM - Recrutement

Apply for a thesis

To prepare a thesis within the IAEM-Lorraine doctoral school, the interested candidate should consult the tab PhD Theses Proposals. Please note, however, that not all offers necessarily appear on this site. This mainly lists institutional financing offers (doctoral contracts from the Université de Lorraine, doctoral contracts provided by Lorraine Université d'Excellence). Other offers can be found on the websites of the laboratories attached to the doctoral school (see the tab Laboratoires).

Whatever the nature of the offer, it is imperative to contact directly the thesis director who made this offer. Please also note that unsolicited applications sent directly to the doctoral school will not be considered.

The criteria for selecting candidates to enter the IAEM-Lorraine doctoral school are the quality of the curriculum and academic results as well as the adequacy between the curriculum and the thesis subject. A real and proven research initiation experience is required.

To register for a doctorate, any PhD student must provide proof of funding (salary, doctoral contract or scholarship from a foreign government).


Application process


In all cases, applications must be submitted in the form of a complete dossier on the various subjects proposed and including the documents mentioned below.

Applications on subjects appearing in the "PhD Theses Proposals" tab are managed by ADUM (Accès Doctorat Unique et Mutualisé, which is a national Internet portal for doctoral students' and doctors' information, services and communications). To submit your application, you must select a thesis subject and then click on the "Apply for this offer" button, which then redirects you to the ADUM website. The application process then requires the creation of an account on this management tool.

For applications that have been processed directly with the thesis director, the candidate or thesis director will send the complete file, electronically, to the Doctoral School's educational officer Aurore Tranchina.


Application form
The application form will include the following documents:
  • Detailed curriculum vitae including a description of the university curriculum and a description of the professional and internship experience
  • A possible attestation of Master's degree or a certificate of diploma, the equivalence of which must be validated by the doctoral school in the case of foreign diplomas
  • Copies of diplomas and diploma supplements, as well as the marks obtained and the candidate's rankings, thesis(s) and/or internship reports and/or publications of the candidate
  • Thesis subject with the name of the thesis director
  • Letters of recommendation from one or more scientists (supervising the master's or engineering internship, for example) or any evidence of the candidate's value and ability to prepare a thesis.
  • Reasoned opinion of the Thesis Director on the application, specifying the scientific context (not necessary during the initial application on doctoral contracts)
  • Document recalling the thesis director's current supervision and co-supervision (not necessary during the initial application on doctoral contracts)
  • In the context of a international co-supervision, the CV of the thesis director of the partner university
  • In the context of a CIFRE thesis, the CV of the industrial tutor
  • In the event that the candidate is supervised by an authorized director and by another person not authorized or external to the doctoral school, a specific request for co-supervision must be provided in the file submitted, in order to be transmitted, if necessary, to the Scientific Council of the University.


Enrollement / Re-enrollement

For a first enrollement, go to this page 

For re-enrollement: go to that page

attention.png Watch the calendar! For the 2024-2025 academic year, re-enrolment must take place before September 30, 2025 (otherwise you will be considered as having abandoned your thesis). Remember that for any re-enrollement, the presentation of the report of the Monitoring Committee signed by the members of the Committee is mandatory.