
IAEM - Encadrants


Management of the theses subjects

ADUM remains the preferred tool used by the Université de Lorraine to manage doctoral students. If you wish to access your account to update your information, submit a thesis topic proposal, manage the applications received on a topic, log in directly using the address https://www.adum.fr.


Co-direction and co-supervision

According to article 16 of the decree of 25 May 2016 setting the national training framework and the procedures leading to the award of the national doctoral diploma, staff holding an Habilitation to Direct Research (or an old Thèse d'Etat obtained before the establishment of the HdR) can exercise the function of thesis director. The scientific direction of the doctoral project may be carried out jointly with a co-director.

Whether it is a question of direction or co-direction, the same article specifies that it may be carried out by other personalities, holders of a doctorate, chosen for their scientific competence by the head of the establishment, on the proposal of the director of the doctoral school and after the opinion of the research commission of the academic council or the body taking its place in the enrolment establishment.

The University of Lorraine has set up, at the level of its Scientific Council, a procedure for issuing an "Authorisation to Co-direct a Thesis", ACT (link in French). In order to be able to claim the title of thesis co-director, it is necessary to obtain this authorization. In the absence of any particular provision, the supervisory percentages attributed to the director and co-director are 50% each.

In other situations where a person holding a doctorate is involved, under the responsibility of the Thesis Director, in the supervision of a doctoral student's work, the Doctoral School may register this person as co-supervisor (without this declaration being mandatory and without this person being able to claim the title of co-director).


Special provisions relating to the Authorization to Conduct Research

The general provisions in force at the Université de Lorraine can be consulted on the menu Encadrants (french version) of the doctoral web site.


Article 1 of the decree of 23 novembre 1988 on the Authorisation to Conduct Research specifies:

Article 1

The Authorization to Conduct Research sanctions recognition of the candidate's high scientific level, the originality of his or her approach in a field of science, his or her ability to master a research strategy in a sufficiently broad scientific or technological field and his or her ability to supervise young researchers.


The application must therefore demonstrate the candidate's autonomy to develop his or her personal research and supervise that of these close collaborators:

  • it will include a substantial presentation of the scientific work carried out, as well as an original and substantiated scientific research project;
  • it will promote scientific production, in particular the quality and originality of the work carried out, both in terms of publications in journals and work leading to patents or software;
  • it will present the effective participation in the supervision of various thesis or master's works and will mention whether the supervision has led to publications with the supervised students.